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effective vocabulary instruction

Effective Vocabulary Instruction for Upper Elementary

Are you searching for effective vocabulary instruction for your upper elementary students? Vocabulary instruction has a profound impact on a student’s ability to comprehend. Research has long shown the importance of effective vocabulary instruction in upper elementary classrooms. By understanding and utilizing best practices, teachers can help students increase their

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ideas for teaching story elements

5 Great Ideas for Teaching Story Elements

Helping our upper elementary students develop comprehension skills is a complex task. One step in this task is teaching story elements. Find ideas for teaching story elements with your upper elementary students. On the basic level, students must be able to identify key story elements when they read: character, setting,

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7 Creative Ways to Teach Homophones

7 Creative Ways to Teach Homophones

Homophones can be very tricky and confusing even for students in upper grades. How do you teach homophones in a fun way? Find 7 fun and creative ways to teach homophones and help your students correctly use these tricky and confusing words. Homophones are words that sound alike but have

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parts of speech coloring pages

5 Parts of Speech Coloring Pages that Students will Love

Transforming the often dreaded parts of speech lessons into an engaging and enjoyable experience is no longer a challenge when you incorporate these parts of speech coloring pages into your upper elementary grammar lessons. These fun parts of speech coloring pages are tailor-made for upper elementary students and will provide

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decorating ideas for an ela classroom

5 Great Decorating Ideas for an ELA Classroom

Are you looking for decorating ideas for an ELA classroom? Upper elementary classroom decor and middle school decor probably look a lot different than your lower elementary classrooms. What is important to include in your language arts classroom decor for upper elementary? Let’s look at 5 decorating ideas for an

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teaching fourth free grammar


Hello Teacher Friends! I’m Kelly, & I’m so glad that you are here. It is truly my joy to support elementary teachers like you.

My goal is simple. I want to help teachers like you find the resources and ideas that you need for reading, grammar, and writing. I also add in a dash of fresh ideas for classroom management and decor, all so you can focus on what’s important-teaching!

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