My students have had a fabulous time learning about the Statue of Liberty. In fact, my friend who cuts my hair told me that some of my students came into her beauty shop telling her all about the information they had learned about the Statue of Liberty! Now that makes me want to turn a cartwheel to know that my students were so excited to share what they had learned, they had to share it with the beautician!
The week long lesson that I used was a part of Discovery Education. (Now, I am NOT being paid or even asked to endorse Discovery Ed, but I personally think this is worth sharing!) My school system had Discovery Ed about 10 years ago, but unfortunately, budget cuts forced us to drop it. This year, we have it again, and I have just learned about the Discovery Ed reading lessons that are aligned with Common Core Standards. These lessons are fabulous, and my students had a wonderful time learning! If your school has Discovery Ed, these reading lessons are worth checking out. Because of copyright, I cannot share the lessons from Discovery Ed., but I added my own wrap-up to the week long lesson that I can share with you.
To end our week-long study on the Statue of Liberty, I pulled a book off of my shelf to share with my students. Some of the facts in the book were new, while many of the facts reviewed the information that they had already learned.
a picture
Two questions about the Statue of Liberty with answers
Three Facts
One Opinion or Connection about the Statue of Liberty.
One Symbol